Metric Selection and Algorithm execution

Double click this node to choose the evaluation metrics for both train and test set. Configuration of the chosen algorithm is not possible in its first execution due to the usage of widgets node. With that said, configuration will be available in the interactive view at the end of the first execution. Initial default parameters for each algorithm are set.


Choose n° of folds for cross validation. Default value = -1 which means NO CV will be applied.
Enter Description
Choose Train Metric: "@k" stands for the top number of documents per query to be evaluated
Enter Description
Choose Test Metric: "@k" stands for the top number of documents per query to be evaluated
Enter Description
Choose the norm method
Enter Description

Input Ports

Pass here your data table file.
The chosen Ranker's index will be passed here, so that the case switch inside the component will work properly.
Pass here your data table file.

Output Ports

The output consists of all individual documents' scores after re-ranking
The output consists of chosen metric's score on test set. One score for each query.


