

Cross validation example
Lectura de Datosypreprocesamiento Entrenamiento y testeo con validación cruzada Evaluación de las métricasconsolidadas Calcular las métricas de cada folder Evaluate onwhole out-of-foldpredictionsIterate over foldsGet metricsfor the first classSubset ofmetrics to trackCollect resultsfrom each foldMean and STDof precision and recallData y Pre-ProcesamientoNode 302Node 303 Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor X-Partitioner X-Aggregator Scorer (deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Group Loop Start Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy DATA Scorer (JavaScript) SMOTE Lectura de Datosypreprocesamiento Entrenamiento y testeo con validación cruzada Evaluación de las métricasconsolidadas Calcular las métricas de cada folder Evaluate onwhole out-of-foldpredictionsIterate over foldsGet metricsfor the first classSubset ofmetrics to trackCollect resultsfrom each foldMean and STDof precision and recallData y Pre-ProcesamientoNode 302Node 303Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor X-Partitioner X-Aggregator Scorer (deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Group Loop Start Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy DATA Scorer (JavaScript) SMOTE


