
Just KNIME It - Challenge3

Just KNIME It! - Challenge3
Description: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goalis to answer the following questions:(1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females?(2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males?(3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number ofcancer cases normalized by the size of its population)? Data Cleaning Grouping Remove aggregated cancer sites CDC Cancer 2017population 2017Cancer site per sexMost frequent cancer sites in FemalesMost frequent cancer sites in MalesMissing State: removeMissing Count: 0Total by StateRemove "."Exclude:All Invasive CancerSites CombinedExclude:Male and FemaleBreast Choropleth USA Map CSV Reader Excel Reader Pivoting Top k Selector Top k Selector Missing Value Column Filter Column Filter GroupBy String Manipulation Joiner Math Formula Sorter Row Filter Row Filter Description: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goalis to answer the following questions:(1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females?(2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males?(3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number ofcancer cases normalized by the size of its population)? Data Cleaning Grouping Remove aggregated cancer sites CDC Cancer 2017population 2017Cancer site per sexMost frequent cancer sites in FemalesMost frequent cancer sites in MalesMissing State: removeMissing Count: 0Total by StateRemove "."Exclude:All Invasive CancerSites CombinedExclude:Male and FemaleBreastChoropleth USA Map CSV Reader Excel Reader Pivoting Top k Selector Top k Selector Missing Value Column Filter Column Filter GroupBy String Manipulation Joiner Math Formula Sorter Row Filter Row Filter


