
05 Components

05 Components
Exercise: ComponentsExecute the workflow below. It filters the data to the northmost country or territory in the data. 1.1) Let's look for the northmost country or region on each continent. Create a Value SelectionConfiguration node to select one of the UN continental regions in the data.1.2) Add a Row Filter node in front of the GroupBy node. Filter the data by the selected continent. 1.3) Encapsulate the nodes into a component. Make sure you add a data output to the component.What is the northmost country in Asia? And in Africa?2.1) Visualize the pace of population increase in the countries in a choropleth world map. Drag&dropthe Choropleth World Map shared component from the KNIME Hub (or the EXAMPLES Server). 2.2) Select the Country/Territory and Change (population) columns in its configuration dialog2.3) Open its interactive view. On which continent are the countries located where the populationincreases the fastest? Life expectancy bycountriesAmerican Time Northmost countryby continent ChoroplethWorld Map CSV Reader Exercise: ComponentsExecute the workflow below. It filters the data to the northmost country or territory in the data. 1.1) Let's look for the northmost country or region on each continent. Create a Value SelectionConfiguration node to select one of the UN continental regions in the data.1.2) Add a Row Filter node in front of the GroupBy node. Filter the data by the selected continent. 1.3) Encapsulate the nodes into a component. Make sure you add a data output to the component.What is the northmost country in Asia? And in Africa?2.1) Visualize the pace of population increase in the countries in a choropleth world map. Drag&dropthe Choropleth World Map shared component from the KNIME Hub (or the EXAMPLES Server). 2.2) Select the Country/Territory and Change (population) columns in its configuration dialog2.3) Open its interactive view. On which continent are the countries located where the populationincreases the fastest? Life expectancy bycountriesAmerican Time Northmost countryby continent ChoroplethWorld Map CSV Reader


