
Copy or Move Files

This workflow copies/moves files from one folder to another based upon text in the file name.Steps are as follows:1. Grab the divison number from the file name2. Create the destination filepath using the division number3. Convert starting and destination filepath strings to URIs4. Complete the copy/move Convertstarting filepathto URICreatedestinationfilepathSplit file namebased on spaceConvertdestinationfilepath to URIDiscard unnecessarycolumnsRename DivisioncolumnSplit file namebased on space List Files Copy/Move Files String to URI String Manipulation Cell Splitter String to URI Column Filter Column Rename Cell Splitter This workflow copies/moves files from one folder to another based upon text in the file name.Steps are as follows:1. Grab the divison number from the file name2. Create the destination filepath using the division number3. Convert starting and destination filepath strings to URIs4. Complete the copy/move Convertstarting filepathto URICreatedestinationfilepathSplit file namebased on spaceConvertdestinationfilepath to URIDiscard unnecessarycolumnsRename DivisioncolumnSplit file namebased on space List Files Copy/Move Files String to URI String Manipulation Cell Splitter String to URI Column Filter Column Rename Cell Splitter


