
Customer Segmentation

Performing a k-Means clustering This workflow shows how to apply k-Means clustering to segmentcustomer data.The attributes used for clustering are:- Annual Income (k$)- Spending Score (1-100)For more background information on the dataset see https://www.kaggle.com/vjchoudhary7/customer-segmentation-tutorial-in-python read the data preprocessing apply k-Means visualization clustering quality read dataMall_Customers.csvnormalize attributesAnnual IncomeSpending Scorek=3 MISSING CSV Reader Normalizer k-Means SilhouetteCoefficient Color Manager Scatter Plot Performing a k-Means clustering This workflow shows how to apply k-Means clustering to segmentcustomer data.The attributes used for clustering are:- Annual Income (k$)- Spending Score (1-100)For more background information on the dataset see https://www.kaggle.com/vjchoudhary7/customer-segmentation-tutorial-in-python read the data preprocessing apply k-Means visualization clustering quality read dataMall_Customers.csvnormalize attributesAnnual IncomeSpending Scorek=3 MISSING CSV Reader Normalizer k-Means SilhouetteCoefficient Color Manager Scatter Plot


