

Exploração Preparação K-Medoids K-means Metodo do cotovelo DL4J encontrar bin de revenue MLP encontrar bin de revenue Node 1Node 28Node 29Node 31parse da dataseparar campos da dataNode 38Node 39Node 108Node 109Node 110Node 111Node 112Node 113Node 114Node 118Node 119Node 120Node 121Node 122Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 135Node 136Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 142Node 143Node 144Node 145Node 148Node 149Node 151Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 165Node 166adding cluster centercolumnsRenumbering rowsCollect Wkfrom different kCalculating squareddistance fromcentroidwith Java SnippetRenumbering rowsLoop over kCombiningk and WkPlotting Wk vs kNode 614Node 615Node 616Node 617Node 618Node 619Node 620 CSV Reader Statistics Data Explorer Category To Number String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Bar Chart Box Plot Normalizer (PMML) k-Means Denormalizer (PMML) Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer Distance MatrixCalculate Normalizer (PMML) Denormalizer (PMML) k-Medoids Scatter Plot DecisionTree Learner Partitioning Scorer Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Denormalizer RProp MLP Learner MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Color Manager Scatter Plot Missing Value Normalizer Scatter Plot Color Manager Scatter Plot Color Manager DL4J MLP Column Filter Normalizer Partitioning Auto-Binner Data Explorer DL4J Feedforward Predictor(Classification) DL4J Feedforward Learner(Classification) Scorer k-Means Joiner (deprecated) RowID Loop End(deprecated) k-table CalculateSquaredDist RowID Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) Column Appender Line Plot Column Filter Scorer Rule-basedRow Splitter Normalizer Numeric Outliers Column expander Normalizer Exploração Preparação K-Medoids K-means Metodo do cotovelo DL4J encontrar bin de revenue MLP encontrar bin de revenue Node 1Node 28Node 29Node 31parse da dataseparar campos da dataNode 38Node 39Node 108Node 109Node 110Node 111Node 112Node 113Node 114Node 118Node 119Node 120Node 121Node 122Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 135Node 136Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 142Node 143Node 144Node 145Node 148Node 149Node 151Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 165Node 166adding cluster centercolumnsRenumbering rowsCollect Wkfrom different kCalculating squareddistance fromcentroidwith Java SnippetRenumbering rowsLoop over kCombiningk and WkPlotting Wk vs kNode 614Node 615Node 616Node 617Node 618Node 619Node 620 CSV Reader Statistics Data Explorer Category To Number String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Bar Chart Box Plot Normalizer (PMML) k-Means Denormalizer (PMML) Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer Distance MatrixCalculate Normalizer (PMML) Denormalizer (PMML) k-Medoids Scatter Plot DecisionTree Learner Partitioning Scorer Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Denormalizer RProp MLP Learner MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Color Manager Scatter Plot Missing Value Normalizer Scatter Plot Color Manager Scatter Plot Color Manager DL4J MLP Column Filter Normalizer Partitioning Auto-Binner Data Explorer DL4J Feedforward Predictor(Classification) DL4J Feedforward Learner(Classification) Scorer k-Means Joiner (deprecated) RowID Loop End(deprecated) k-table CalculateSquaredDist RowID Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) Column Appender Line Plot Column Filter Scorer Rule-basedRow Splitter Normalizer Numeric Outliers Column expander Normalizer


