
Data Access - 04 NoSQL Database

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Access all the data you need, with the KNIME Analytics Platform with a few clicks or by writing your own code

URL: Data Access with KNIME, SQL and Co https://medium.com/low-code-for-advanced-data-science/data-access-with-knime-sql-and-co-6696bdb47e73

MongoDB Writer: Write JSON data to a MongoDB. MongoDB Reader: Read JSON data from a MongoDB with the help of querys This workflow requires you to set up a local MongoDB instance. You can follow the guide: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/administration/install-community/ to install the MongoDB Community Edition for your operating system Read all dataWriting the movie dataset to the MongoDB Connect to a local MongoDBRead in movie dataset (JSON)Get movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionConnect to a local MongoDBTurn JSON result into TableGet movies from the genre "Comedy" and sort them accending according to the yearNode 70Node 72Turn JSON result into TableMongoDB Reader MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector JSON Reader MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector JSON to Table MongoDB Reader InteractiveTable (legacy) InteractiveTable (legacy) JSON to Table MongoDB Writer: Write JSON data to a MongoDB. MongoDB Reader: Read JSON data from a MongoDB with the help of querys This workflow requires you to set up a local MongoDB instance. You can follow the guide: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/administration/install-community/ to install the MongoDB Community Edition for your operating system Read all dataWriting the movie dataset to the MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBRead in movie dataset (JSON)Get movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionConnect to a local MongoDBTurn JSON result into TableGet movies from the genre "Comedy" and sort them accending according to the yearNode 70Node 72Turn JSON result into TableMongoDB Reader MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector JSON Reader MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector JSON to Table MongoDB Reader InteractiveTable (legacy) InteractiveTable (legacy) JSON to Table


