
Tic-Tac-Toe Play

A workflow deploying the network trained in the Tic-Tac-Toe Learn workflow to a KNIME Webportal application to enable interactive play.

Loop for more games Recursive Loop for Individual Game Load Models Network Moves Player Moves InitialEmpty BoardPlay GamenetworkEnd of GameTransfer to JavaExecution for Loopif hard modelwho's turnplayerHard ModelEasy ModelTransfer to JavaExecution for Loopif easy modelselect modelprocede if playlegalCheck legal playsimagesTable Creator Convert to List Playable Moves RecursiveLoop Start Game Over? Recursive Loop End Keras to TensorFlowNetwork Converter Select Move IF Switch End IF Math Formula(Variable) Rule EngineVariable Play Convert to List Convert from List Game Over? Rule EngineVariable Generic Loop Start Play Again? Variable ConditionLoop End Rules Merge Variables Keras NetworkReader Keras NetworkReader Keras to TensorFlowNetwork Converter Select Move End IF CASE SwitchData (Start) Recursive Loop End RecursiveLoop Start Table Reader Save Game Data Loop for more games Recursive Loop for Individual Game Load Models Network Moves Player Moves InitialEmpty BoardPlay GamenetworkEnd of GameTransfer to JavaExecution for Loopif hard modelwho's turnplayerHard ModelEasy ModelTransfer to JavaExecution for Loopif easy modelselect modelprocede if playlegalCheck legal playsimagesTable Creator Convert to List Playable Moves RecursiveLoop Start Game Over? Recursive Loop End Keras to TensorFlowNetwork Converter Select Move IF Switch End IF Math Formula(Variable) Rule EngineVariable Play Convert to List Convert from List Game Over? Rule EngineVariable Generic Loop Start Play Again? Variable ConditionLoop End Rules Merge Variables Keras NetworkReader Keras NetworkReader Keras to TensorFlowNetwork Converter Select Move End IF CASE SwitchData (Start) Recursive Loop End RecursiveLoop Start Table Reader Save Game Data


