

Topic Modeling LDA approach by Kling et al. (2024) to find research avenues.

Kling, C., Kling, N., Reuther, K., Nitsche, A.- M. (under review). Exploring Circular Economy and Innovation Literature: A Topic Modelling Approach. ICE 30th Edition in Madeira, IEEE.

Our workflow is an adaption of the smart literature review by Asmussen & Møller (2019) and the LDA implementation in KNIME for marketing by Ordenes & Silipo (2021).

Asmussen, C. B., & Møller, C. (2019). Smart literature review: a practical topic modelling approach to exploratory literature review. Journal of Big Data, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-019-0255-7

Villarroel Ordenes, F., & Silipo, R. (2021). Machine learning for marketing on the KNIME Hub: The development of a live repository for marketing applications. Journal of Business Research, 137, 393–410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.08.036


