

Description: Given a text-based PDF document with a table, can you partially extractthe table into a KNIME data table for further analysis? For this challenge we willextract the table from this PDF document and attempt to partially reconstruct it withinKNIME. The corresponding KNIME table should contain the following columns: Day,Max, Min, Norm, Depart, Heat, and Cool. Note 1: Your final output should be a table,not a single row with all the relevant data. Note 2: The Tika Parser node is bettersuited for this task than the PDF Parser node. We completed this task withoutcomponents, regular expressions, or code-snippet nodes. In fact, our solution has atotal of 10 nodes, but labeling the columns required a bit of manual effort.Author: Victor Palacios Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8 Row0_to_Header Tika Parser String Manipulation Column Filter Cell Splitter Cell Splitter Transpose RowID Column Filter Description: Given a text-based PDF document with a table, can you partially extractthe table into a KNIME data table for further analysis? For this challenge we willextract the table from this PDF document and attempt to partially reconstruct it withinKNIME. The corresponding KNIME table should contain the following columns: Day,Max, Min, Norm, Depart, Heat, and Cool. Note 1: Your final output should be a table,not a single row with all the relevant data. Note 2: The Tika Parser node is bettersuited for this task than the PDF Parser node. We completed this task withoutcomponents, regular expressions, or code-snippet nodes. In fact, our solution has atotal of 10 nodes, but labeling the columns required a bit of manual effort.Author: Victor Palacios Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8 Row0_to_Header Tika Parser String Manipulation Column Filter Cell Splitter Cell Splitter Transpose RowID Column Filter


