
Streaming Lookup

A workaround for joining two tables in streaming mode.

If joins are only used to look up additional information (e.g., a year or a name) on a key (e.g., a personidentifier), a cell replacer can be used instead. The solution is somewhat cumbersome but has theadvantage that it allows parallelization through streaming - which the joiner does not support. Lookup TableBase tableLooks up the person data matching the person_id fields in the base table Table Creator Table Creator Streaming Lookup If joins are only used to look up additional information (e.g., a year or a name) on a key (e.g., a personidentifier), a cell replacer can be used instead. The solution is somewhat cumbersome but has theadvantage that it allows parallelization through streaming - which the joiner does not support. Lookup TableBase tableLooks up the person data matching the person_id fields in the base table Table Creator Table Creator Streaming Lookup


