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Switch binding to get anerror Loading e-fashionfact dataLoading the storedim dataError messageLoading the storedim data - ERRORError messagesto rowsWorkflow contextAppend the executionwith the meta informationRenaming, reorderingWrite it out to csvMake a logabout it Excel Reader Try (Data Ports) Excel Reader ConstantValue Column Catch Errors(Data Ports) Excel Reader Joiner in component so trycatch can catch error Variable toTable Row START END Extract ContextProperties Column Appender Table Manipulator CSV Writer Java Snippet Switch binding to get anerror Loading e-fashionfact dataLoading the storedim dataError messageLoading the storedim data - ERRORError messagesto rowsWorkflow contextAppend the executionwith the meta informationRenaming, reorderingWrite it out to csvMake a logabout itExcel Reader Try (Data Ports) Excel Reader ConstantValue Column Catch Errors(Data Ports) Excel Reader Joiner in component so trycatch can catch error Variable toTable Row START END Extract ContextProperties Column Appender Table Manipulator CSV Writer Java Snippet


