
Session_​02a_​demo_​histogram bar

Comparison charts - Histogram and Bar chart
Histogram showing data distribution of different agegroups and their number of observations in data Bar Chart showing the average age of differentmaritial status in two groups Bar Chart showing average age of the educationlevels Bar chartages of edu levelsverticalFilter included columns (age, education, marital)Histogram frequencyage in 5 bins2 classes for maritial1. married2. not marriedBar chartMarital statusCheck the maritial statusBar chartages of edu levelshorizontalAdult Bar Chart Column Filter Histogram Rule Engine Bar Chart GroupBy Bar Chart CSV Reader Histogram showing data distribution of different agegroups and their number of observations in data Bar Chart showing the average age of differentmaritial status in two groups Bar Chart showing average age of the educationlevels Bar chartages of edu levelsverticalFilter included columns (age, education, marital)Histogram frequencyage in 5 bins2 classes for maritial1. married2. not marriedBar chartMarital statusCheck the maritial statusBar chartages of edu levelshorizontalAdult Bar Chart Column Filter Histogram Rule Engine Bar Chart GroupBy Bar Chart CSV Reader


