
Predicting Absenteeism at work

Predict absenteeism at work

It is a simple workflow in HR Analytics demonstrating how to predict rate of absence. Target, AbsenceRate is continuous. Dataset is from Kaggle (see link below). We also treat the problem as a classification problem after binning AbsenceRate into two classes.

Predicting absenteeism at workDataSource: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/HRAnalyticRepository/absenteeism-datasetLast amended: 09th Jan, 2022My folder: C:\Users\Ashok\OneDrive\Documents\hr_analytics\absenteeism Classification example Regression example filter outcolumns as ID, namesRandom partition70:30defaultsettingsR^2 of 0.99Visual Inspecttion:Relationshipbetween predicted and actual AbsenceRateread dataBinAbsenceRatedefault settingsremoveAbsenceRate70:3099% Column Filter Partitioning Simple RegressionTree Learner Simple RegressionTree Predictor Numeric Scorer Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) Table Reader Numeric Binner DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Column Filter Partitioning Scorer Predicting absenteeism at workDataSource: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/HRAnalyticRepository/absenteeism-datasetLast amended: 09th Jan, 2022My folder: C:\Users\Ashok\OneDrive\Documents\hr_analytics\absenteeism Classification example Regression example filter outcolumns as ID, namesRandom partition70:30defaultsettingsR^2 of 0.99Visual Inspecttion:Relationshipbetween predicted and actual AbsenceRateread dataBinAbsenceRatedefault settingsremoveAbsenceRate70:3099%Column Filter Partitioning Simple RegressionTree Learner Simple RegressionTree Predictor Numeric Scorer Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) Table Reader Numeric Binner DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Column Filter Partitioning Scorer


