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Analyze and selectthe best kk = [3, 10]Aggregatescoreskadd model idPerplexityGet the highesweighten_core_web_mdVectorizetextsSplitvectorsReduce dimensionalityReduce dimensionalityVERY SLOW!!!Colored by ratingRating as categoryBy ratingColored by ratingDynamicmodelIDt-sne dataRead dataGet original textswith assigned topicsadd model idView Exclusivityand Coherence by K Parameter OptimizationLoop Start Loop End GroupBy ConstantValue Column Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Topic Scorer (Labs) ConstantValue Column Math Formula Top k Selector Column Appender Spacy ModelSelector Spacy Vectorizer Column Filter Split CollectionColumn PCA t-SNE (L. Jonsson) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) String Manipulation Color Manager 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) String Manipulation(Variable) Table Reader Table Reader Visualize topics ofthe selected model Column Filter ConstantValue Column Analyze and selectthe best kk = [3, 10]Aggregatescoreskadd model idPerplexityGet the highesweighten_core_web_mdVectorizetextsSplitvectorsReduce dimensionalityReduce dimensionalityVERY SLOW!!!Colored by ratingRating as categoryBy ratingColored by ratingDynamicmodelIDt-sne dataRead dataGet original textswith assigned topicsadd model idView Exclusivityand Coherence by K Parameter OptimizationLoop Start Loop End GroupBy ConstantValue Column Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Topic Scorer (Labs) ConstantValue Column Math Formula Top k Selector Column Appender Spacy ModelSelector Spacy Vectorizer Column Filter Split CollectionColumn PCA t-SNE (L. Jonsson) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) String Manipulation Color Manager 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) String Manipulation(Variable) Table Reader Table Reader Visualize topics ofthe selected model Column Filter ConstantValue Column


