
Data Science model 2

Data Science Model 2 - CSV Writer This workflow takes a comprehensive collection of vaccination data and displays the most recent vaccination statistics per country, along with a map for visualization.Furthermore, this model uses a full outer join to merge two data sets, allowing for visualization of total vaccinations by country as well as total vaccinations by vaccinetype if the country provided that information; the complete list of data can be viewed within the table viewer visualization node provided in the workflow.In addition, this data may then be written to its own csv file using the CSV Writer Node, allowing for simple use of the combined data in other workflows. (Note this data is doses given not fully vaccinated individuals) Custom CSV file writen from above workflow. Node 119Node 120missing valuethreshold 50%bt columnNode 122Node 124Sorta data indescending orderby vacine rateremove remainingmissing dataremove remainingmissing dataCountry_Vaccinations.csvNode 130Node 131CountryNode 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csvmissing valuethreshold 50%bt columnjoined_data_vaccinations.csvNode 140 Missing Value Joiner Missing ValueColumn Filter CSV Writer ChoroplethWorld Map GroupBy Sorter Table View Missing Value Missing Value CSV Reader String To Number Sorter GroupBy Rule Engine GroupBy Column Rename Number To String CSV Reader Missing ValueColumn Filter CSV Reader Table View Data Science Model 2 - CSV Writer This workflow takes a comprehensive collection of vaccination data and displays the most recent vaccination statistics per country, along with a map for visualization.Furthermore, this model uses a full outer join to merge two data sets, allowing for visualization of total vaccinations by country as well as total vaccinations by vaccinetype if the country provided that information; the complete list of data can be viewed within the table viewer visualization node provided in the workflow.In addition, this data may then be written to its own csv file using the CSV Writer Node, allowing for simple use of the combined data in other workflows. (Note this data is doses given not fully vaccinated individuals) Custom CSV file writen from above workflow. Node 119Node 120missing valuethreshold 50%bt columnNode 122Node 124Sorta data indescending orderby vacine rateremove remainingmissing dataremove remainingmissing dataCountry_Vaccinations.csvNode 130Node 131CountryNode 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csvmissing valuethreshold 50%bt columnjoined_data_vaccinations.csvNode 140Missing Value Joiner Missing ValueColumn Filter CSV Writer ChoroplethWorld Map GroupBy Sorter Table View Missing Value Missing Value CSV Reader String To Number Sorter GroupBy Rule Engine GroupBy Column Rename Number To String CSV Reader Missing ValueColumn Filter CSV Reader Table View


