Get Request Plus

This Component works similarly to the Get Request node plus having the retry option.

Only works with JSON content type by default. To change this behavior or add headers, the component should be modified.


Ignore hostname mismatches
If checked, the node trusts the server's SSL certificate even ifit was generated for a different host.
Trust all certificates
If checked, the node trusts all certificates regardless of theirorigin or expiration date.
URL column
Select a column from the input table that contains the URLs that you want to request.
Number of retries
The number of times that the request should be resent
Delay (ms)
Here you specify a delay between two consecutive requests, e.g. in order to avoidoverloading the web service.
Number of concurrent requests
Timeout (s)
Timeout for a single request in seconds

Input Ports

Input table with a list of URLs

Output Ports

Output table with a list of JSON responses
Missed requests from the input table


