

ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS FOR GOALS DATA LOADING PREPROCESSING MISSING VALUES IMPUTATION VALUES REPLACEMENT TRANSACTION COLUMN CREATION 2-ITEMSETS ANALYSIS Data LoaderGoals event filterGoal events percentageRemoving Own GoalsSelection of the columns of interestMissing valuesNode 10Node 17Removing rowswith missinginformationMerge all columns into oneNew Column RenamingSplit the values ofthe new columnApriori Frequen ItemsetApriori Closed Frequent ItemsetAprioriMaximal frequent ItemsetNode 35 File Reader Row Filter Pie Chart(JFreeChart) Row Filter Column Filter Statistics Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Itemset TypesComparison NB Missing ValuesImputation Row Filter Values replacement Column Combiner Column Rename Cell Splitter Item Set Finder(Borgelt) Item Set Finder(Borgelt) Item Set Finder(Borgelt) InteractiveTable (local) ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS FOR GOALS DATA LOADING PREPROCESSING MISSING VALUES IMPUTATION VALUES REPLACEMENT TRANSACTION COLUMN CREATION 2-ITEMSETS ANALYSIS Data LoaderGoals event filterGoal events percentageRemoving Own GoalsSelection of the columns of interestMissing valuesNode 10Node 17Removing rowswith missinginformationMerge all columns into oneNew Column RenamingSplit the values ofthe new columnApriori Frequen ItemsetApriori Closed Frequent ItemsetAprioriMaximal frequent ItemsetNode 35 File Reader Row Filter Pie Chart(JFreeChart) Row Filter Column Filter Statistics Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Itemset TypesComparison NB Missing ValuesImputation Row Filter Values replacement Column Combiner Column Rename Cell Splitter Item Set Finder(Borgelt) Item Set Finder(Borgelt) Item Set Finder(Borgelt) InteractiveTable (local)


