Generic File Upload

This component can be used as a generic file upload for the KNIME WebPortal or locally in the KNIME Analytics Platform. The user can upload a file of different formats (.csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx and KNIME-native .table) and the component selects the correct node to read the data in.

If this component is executed locally in the KNIME Analytics Platform, the file can be selected via the configuration dialog of the component.

This component does not cover all edge-cases for complicated file formats.


File contains a column header?
If your file contains a column header, please tick the box.
File contains RowIDs?
If your file contains a column with RowIDs, please tick the box.
Select a File:
Select a file to read in.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

uploaded data from file


