

Decision Tree with all its exports

A simple decision tree with all the possibilities to store the results (as PMML or Ruleset or SQL Code) and evaluation (ROC curve)

https://forum.knime.com/t/looking-for-options-to-evaluate-a-decision-tree/11384/2?u=mlauber71PMML Models that support probabilitieshttps://forum.knime.com/t/export-pmml-that-outputs-class-probabilities/13244/2?u=mlauber71Currently supported PMML models are all those generated by KNIME plus Naive Bayes:RegressionSVMMLPK-Means ClusteringDecision TreesNaive BayesRulesetsEnsembles of the above A simple decision tree with all the possibilities to store the results (as PMML or Ruleset or SQL Code) and evaluation (ROC curve) train.tableroc_kurve.pngconvert to SQLsql_rules.csvextract rulesetruleset.csvmodel.pmml Table Reader Image Writer (Port) Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image PMML to SQL CSV Writer Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Decision Treeto Ruleset CSV Writer ROC Curve (local) ROC Curve PMML Writer https://forum.knime.com/t/looking-for-options-to-evaluate-a-decision-tree/11384/2?u=mlauber71PMML Models that support probabilitieshttps://forum.knime.com/t/export-pmml-that-outputs-class-probabilities/13244/2?u=mlauber71Currently supported PMML models are all those generated by KNIME plus Naive Bayes:RegressionSVMMLPK-Means ClusteringDecision TreesNaive BayesRulesetsEnsembles of the above A simple decision tree with all the possibilities to store the results (as PMML or Ruleset or SQL Code) and evaluation (ROC curve) train.tableroc_kurve.pngconvert to SQLsql_rules.csvextract rulesetruleset.csvmodel.pmml Table Reader Image Writer (Port) Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image PMML to SQL CSV Writer Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Decision Treeto Ruleset CSV Writer ROC Curve (local) ROC Curve PMML Writer


