
001 Stock Prediction - Data Access and Preparation

01 Stock Prediction - Data Access and Preparation

This workflow accesses the historical prices from Yahoo Finance via the Python pandas-datareader package and preprocesses them for forecasting.

The implementation of the workflow references the stock price prediction application built by Crystalloids (link attached).

This workflow accesses historical stock prices fromYahoo Finance. Notice that you'll need to install the pandas-datareader Python package to be able to executethe workflow. Collect stockdata from Yahoo FinanceUnavailable Symbolsare set to -99Node 266Node 272Stock symbolNode 274Last available dateMISSINGPython Source IF Switch End IF Set format forunavailable stocks Determine stockavailability Merge Variables Format input WorkflowService Input WorkflowService Output WorkflowService Input This workflow accesses historical stock prices fromYahoo Finance. Notice that you'll need to install the pandas-datareader Python package to be able to executethe workflow. Collect stockdata from Yahoo FinanceUnavailable Symbolsare set to -99Node 266Node 272Stock symbolNode 274Last available dateMISSINGPython Source IF Switch End IF Set format forunavailable stocks Determine stockavailability Merge Variables Format input WorkflowService Input WorkflowService Output WorkflowService Input


