
Machine Learning Canvas in KNIME

The Machine Learning Canvas in KNIME


- REFINE IDEAS: Describe how your ML system will turn predictions into value for end-users, which data it will learn from, and how to make sure it will work as intended.

- COLLABORATE: Building high-value ML systems typically involves different roles: engineering, product, business, data science… Keep everyone on the same page with the ML Canvas.

- PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION: The ML Canvas allows to anticipate costs, identify bottlenecks, specify requirements, and create a roadmap.



- FİKİRLERİ İYİLEŞTİRMEK: Makine Öğrenmesi sisteminizin tahminlerinin son kullanıcılar için nasıl değere dönüştürüleceğini, hangi verilerden öğreneceğini ve amaçlandığı gibi çalışacağından nasıl emin olacağını açıklayın.

- İŞBİRLİĞİ: Yüksek değerli Makine Öğrenmesi sistemleri oluşturmak tipik olarak farklı roller içerir: mühendislik, ürün, işletme, veri bilimi… Makine Öğrenmesi Kanvası ile bütün proje paydaşlarını aynı sayfada tutun.

- UYGULAMANIN HAZIRLANMASI: Makine Öğrenmesi Kanvası; maliyetleri tahmin etmeye, darboğazlar ve gereksinimleri belirlemeye dair bir yol haritası oluşturmaya olanak tanır.


Credit: Machine Learning Canvas, Louis Dorard, https://www.ownml.co/machine-learning-canvas

WHY USE THE MACHINE LEARNING CANVAS? REFINE IDEAS: Describe how your ML system will turn predictions into value for end-users, which data it will learn from, and how to makesure it will work as intended. COLLABORATE: Building high-value ML systems typically involves different roles: engineering, product, business, data science… Keepeveryone on the same page with the ML Canvas. PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION: The ML Canvas allows to anticipate costs, identify bottlenecks, specify requirements, and create a roadmap. Credit: Machine Learning Canvas, Louis Dorard, https://www.ownml.co/machine-learning-canvas Language options:- English- Türkçe The Machine LearningCanvas in KNIME WHY USE THE MACHINE LEARNING CANVAS? REFINE IDEAS: Describe how your ML system will turn predictions into value for end-users, which data it will learn from, and how to makesure it will work as intended. COLLABORATE: Building high-value ML systems typically involves different roles: engineering, product, business, data science… Keepeveryone on the same page with the ML Canvas. PREPARE IMPLEMENTATION: The ML Canvas allows to anticipate costs, identify bottlenecks, specify requirements, and create a roadmap. Credit: Machine Learning Canvas, Louis Dorard, https://www.ownml.co/machine-learning-canvas Language options:- English- Türkçe The Machine LearningCanvas in KNIME


