
GitHub with API

Pull Commits Data from GitHub Repositories with The GitHub API and Visualize The ResultsExample: using the Stanford NLP repo Get the StanfordNLP ReposConvert JSON to XMLCreate URLpath collectionJust pullthe URLcolumnExtract theURLNode 9Append /commitsto the URLLoop through each repoto get the Commits dataNode 12Convert JSON to XMLGet the namesand datesGet rid ofunwanted columnsConvert the dates toa proper Date & Time formatBy ContributorNode 24QuicklyView theStatisticsBy MonthNode 27Node 28Remove NullNode 30Get First NameNode 32 GET Request JSON To XML XPath Column Filter XPath Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation GET Request Loop End JSON To XML XPath Column Filter String to Date&Time Bar Chart Extract Date&TimeFields Statistics Bar Chart Column Rename Column Filter Row Filter Cell Splitter Column Filter Column Rename Pull Commits Data from GitHub Repositories with The GitHub API and Visualize The ResultsExample: using the Stanford NLP repo Get the StanfordNLP ReposConvert JSON to XMLCreate URLpath collectionJust pullthe URLcolumnExtract theURLNode 9Append /commitsto the URLLoop through each repoto get the Commits dataNode 12Convert JSON to XMLGet the namesand datesGet rid ofunwanted columnsConvert the dates toa proper Date & Time formatBy ContributorNode 24QuicklyView theStatisticsBy MonthNode 27Node 28Remove NullNode 30Get First NameNode 32 GET Request JSON To XML XPath Column Filter XPath Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation GET Request Loop End JSON To XML XPath Column Filter String to Date&Time Bar Chart Extract Date&TimeFields Statistics Bar Chart Column Rename Column Filter Row Filter Cell Splitter Column Filter Column Rename


