
Multipage PDF Report from Single Source

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You can easily download and run the workflow within your KNIME installation. For optimal performance, we recommend using the latest version of the KNIME Analytics Platform.

This workflow demonstrates how to use new Reporting nodes. This example replicates the same report structure into different pages with dynamic titles and labels.

Our first step was to pre-process the data in the metanode "Data pre-processing", which enabled us to obtain data from the USA, India, and China from 2000 to 2020. To explore it, double-click the metanode.

We then utilized the new node "Number Format Manager" to format the integer features. Moving forward, the loop started iterating over each country, and in the "CO2 Statistics by Country" component. To edit your page layout, right-click on the component and choose "Open layout editor": You can arrange the items for your report page. Make sure to select "Enable Reporting"!

After you have enabled the "Enable Reporting" option, a blue input and output port will appear in the component. Connect the "Report Template Creator" node to the newly created input port and define the page size and orientation in the "Report Template Creator" dialogue to generate the report.

The output port of the component is linked to the "Report Loop End", which collects all the report fragments for each iteration. You can see the preview of all pages in the bottom table of the canvas.

We then connect the Report Loop End to the "Report PDF Writer", which writes the PDF report in a temporary folder in the workflow data area. Finally, we expose the local path in the "Text view" node; you can copy-paste and explore your PDF report.

Data Sources:
Hannah Ritchie, Max Roser and Pablo Rosado (2020) - "CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions". Published online at OurWorldInData.org. Retrieved from: 'https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions' [Online Resource]
Under the Creative Commons BY license

URL: CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Online resource https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissions
URL: KNIME Collection: First Steps with KNIME Reporting https://hub.knime.com/knime/collections/First%20Steps%20with%20KNIME%20Reporting~BmSxAYmlmIJtTh7i

Generate a multi-page PDF report from a single sourceThis workflow shows how to create a multi-page PDF report from a single source using the Reporting nodes.The data was gathered from various sources available on "ourworldindata.org: CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions".To learn more about the workflow, click the left bar and check the description section. CO2 dataNode 133Creates a temp folderin the workflow data areaGroup by Rank (country)Each iteration creates a report fragmentFormat valuesLocal Path to the PDF Report.Hover over the node and click the lens icon.Collect all the report fragmentsDefine report size (A4) andorientation (Portrait)Write the PDF report in the workflow data area temp folder CSV Reader Create dynamiclocal path Create temporaryfolder Group Loop Start CO2 Statisticsby Country Data pre-processing Number FormatManager Text View Report Loop End Report TemplateCreator Report PDF Writer Generate a multi-page PDF report from a single sourceThis workflow shows how to create a multi-page PDF report from a single source using the Reporting nodes.The data was gathered from various sources available on "ourworldindata.org: CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions".To learn more about the workflow, click the left bar and check the description section. CO2 dataNode 133Creates a temp folderin the workflow data areaGroup by Rank (country)Each iteration creates a report fragmentFormat valuesLocal Path to the PDF Report.Hover over the node and click the lens icon.Collect all the report fragmentsDefine report size (A4) andorientation (Portrait)Write the PDF report in the workflow data area temp folderCSV Reader Create dynamiclocal path Create temporaryfolder Group Loop Start CO2 Statisticsby Country Data pre-processing Number FormatManager Text View Report Loop End Report TemplateCreator Report PDF Writer


