
04 Count values in single band

This KNIME workflow demonstrates how to measure built-up density in Massachusetts using Google Earth Engine (GEE) data and a chunk loop to avoid GEE API request payload size limits. The workflow processes US TIGER MAP data for Massachusetts census tracts and ESA WorldCover100 data to count values in a single band, providing a detailed analysis of built-up areas.

File Reader : Reads the shapefile containing Massachusetts census tract data from the US TIGER MAP.
Column Filter : Filters the necessary columns from the input data for further processing.
Chunk Loop Start : Initiates a loop to process data in chunks, preventing the GEE API error due to request payload size limits (10MB).
GeoDataFrame to Feature Collection:Converts the filtered GeoDataFrame to a Google Earth Engine Feature Collection, preparing it for GEE operations.
GEE Collection Image Reader :Reads the ESA WorldCover100 data (10M resolution) from GEE, focusing on the required geographical area.
GEE Count Values in Single Band:Counts the values in a specified single band of the ESA WorldCover100 data within the defined census tracts.
Feature Collection to Table :Converts the GEE Feature Collection with counted values back to a KNIME table format for further analysis.
Loop End : Concludes the chunk loop, aggregating the results from each chunk into a single output table.

Joiner: Joins the results from the GEE operations with additional geospatial data for comprehensive analysis.
Projection : Reprojects the geospatial data to the desired coordinate reference system (CRS) for consistency in analysis.
Area : Calculates the area of each census tract in the reprojected data, aiding in density calculations.
Math Formula : Applies mathematical formulas to compute built-up density using the area and count values.
Geospatial View : Provides a visual representation of the geospatial data, allowing for inspection and validation of the results.
Timer Info : Records the time taken for the entire workflow, providing insights into processing efficiency.

Created By:
Lingbo Liu
Spatial Data Lab project
Center for Geographic Analysis
Harvard University

US TIGER MAP- MA census tract 04 Count Values in a single band ESA/WorldCover/v100 - 10M resolution Measuring Built-up Density in MassachussetsUse Chunk loop to avoid GEE API error:Request payload size exceeds the limit: 10485760 bytes. Created By: Lingbo Liu lingboliu@fas.harvard.edu Spatial Data Lab project Center for Geographic Analysis Harvard University Node 1Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32GeoFile Reader GEE Count Valuesin Single Band GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection GEE CollectionImage Reader Feature CollectionTo Table Joiner Geospatial View Projection Area Math Formula Column Filter Chunk Loop Start Loop End Timer Info US TIGER MAP- MA census tract 04 Count Values in a single band ESA/WorldCover/v100 - 10M resolution Measuring Built-up Density in MassachussetsUse Chunk loop to avoid GEE API error:Request payload size exceeds the limit: 10485760 bytes. Created By: Lingbo Liu lingboliu@fas.harvard.edu Spatial Data Lab project Center for Geographic Analysis Harvard University Node 1Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32 GeoFile Reader GEE Count Valuesin Single Band GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection GEE CollectionImage Reader Feature CollectionTo Table Joiner Geospatial View Projection Area Math Formula Column Filter Chunk Loop Start Loop End Timer Info


