
01 Read and Visualization GEE Collection and Image

This KNIME workflow demonstrates the process of reading and visualizing images from Google Earth Engine (GEE). The workflow includes steps for authenticating with GEE, reading image collections, selecting specific bands, and visualizing the images on an interactive map.

Step 1: GEE Authenticator
This node handles authentication with Google Earth Engine using a service account. Ensure to execute this authenticator first.

Install geemap and ee using pip install geemap ee in your Python Enviroment.
Provide the path to the local JSON key file and the service account email for Google Cloud Account.

Local JSON: G:/xxx.json
Service Account: xxx@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com

Step 2:Visualize Elevation in "USGS/SRTMGL1_003"

GEE Image Reader: Reads the elevation image from the GEE dataset "USGS/SRTMGL1_003".
GEE Image Visualization: Visualizes the elevation image on an interactive map.

Step 3:Visualize "maxFRP" in "MODIS/061/MYD14A1"

GEE Collection Image Reader: Reads the image collection from the GEE dataset "MODIS/061/MYD14A1".
GEE Image Band Selector: Selects the "maxFRP" band from the image collection.
GEE Image Visualization: Visualizes the "maxFRP" band on an interactive map.

Check the available bands and their IDs in the interactive view.
Input "maxFRP" in the Band Selector node to visualize this specific band.

Created By:
Lingbo Liu
Spatial Data Lab project
Center for Geographic Analysis
Harvard University

Important: Execute Authenticator First Local JSON :G:\xxx.jsonService Account: xxx@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.comExpired Check 'bands' and 'id' in Interactive Viewinput 'maxFRP' in Band selector Visualize Elevation in “USGS/SRTMGL1_003” Visualize"maxFRP" in “MODIS/061/MYD14A1 Created By: Lingbo Liu lingboliu@fas.harvard.edu Spatial Data Lab project Center for Geographic Analysis Harvard University 01 Read and Visualization GEE Collection and Image pip install earthengine-api geemapAuthenticate by Google AcccountGEE Authenticator GEE Image Reader GEE ImageVisualization GEE CollectionImage Reader GEE ImageBand Selector GEE ImageVisualization Python Script Important: Execute Authenticator First Local JSON :G:\xxx.jsonService Account: xxx@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.comExpired Check 'bands' and 'id' in Interactive Viewinput 'maxFRP' in Band selector Visualize Elevation in “USGS/SRTMGL1_003” Visualize"maxFRP" in “MODIS/061/MYD14A1 Created By: Lingbo Liu lingboliu@fas.harvard.edu Spatial Data Lab project Center for Geographic Analysis Harvard University 01 Read and Visualization GEE Collection and Image pip install earthengine-api geemapAuthenticate by Google Acccount GEE Authenticator GEE Image Reader GEE ImageVisualization GEE CollectionImage Reader GEE ImageBand Selector GEE ImageVisualization Python Script


