
Data App to Find Closest KNIME Data Connects 2023

This workflow illustrates how to identify the closest KNIME Data Connect event location (among those planned in 2023 in the US and Canada) based on the input location provided by the user. The results are presented in a geospatial view in a dashboard.

Read in planned events in the US and Canada in 2023 and & prepare geo data Get lat/lon for input location, extract point and project geometry to meters Provide your currentinput location in the USor Canada:--> City, State andCountry Merge lat/lon from input location and locations ofplanned events, and calculate Haversine distance Create straight line connecting input location and each event location Visualize in a map different distances between input location and event locations Geospatial Analytics with KNIME Data Connect events in 2023 - Find the closest event to you in the US and CanadaThis workflow illustrates how to identify the closest KNIME Data Connect event location (among those planned in 2023 in the US and Canada) based on the input location provided by the user. The results are presented in a geospatial view in a dashboard. Extract pointsfrom lat/lonProject degreesto metersCreatebuffer area (circle)around pointGet lat/lonfor input locationBetween input locationand locations of planned events in 2023Project degreesto metersCreate buffer areaaround currentinput location pointRename geometryBring all geometries together:lower input will appear on top on the mapRename columnsProvideinput location,i.e. city, state and countryExtract pointsfrom lat/lonNode 1715Node 1716Node 1717Get lat/lonfor event locationNode 1719Node 1720Node 1721Node 1722Currentlyplanned event info in 2023Node 1725Node 1730Create line pathsbetween input locationand all event locationsView the closestevent location to yourcurrent locationNode 1737Node 1738Ascending distancesbetween input locationand even locations Lat/Lon to Geometry Projection Buffer OSM Boundary Map Haversine Distance Projection Buffer Table Manipulator Concatenate Table Manipulator Joiner Current location Lat/Lon to Geometry Filter columns Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End OSM Boundary Map Column Filter Joiner Lat/lon prep fordistance calculation Chunk Loop Start Table Reader Column Filter Loop End Points To Line Geospatialdashboard Match input locationwith each event location Missing eventsinfo to tbd Convert distancesto miles Read in planned events in the US and Canada in 2023 and & prepare geo data Get lat/lon for input location, extract point and project geometry to meters Provide your currentinput location in the USor Canada:--> City, State andCountry Merge lat/lon from input location and locations ofplanned events, and calculate Haversine distance Create straight line connecting input location and each event location Visualize in a map different distances between input location and event locations Geospatial Analytics with KNIME Data Connect events in 2023 - Find the closest event to you in the US and CanadaThis workflow illustrates how to identify the closest KNIME Data Connect event location (among those planned in 2023 in the US and Canada) based on the input location provided by the user. The results are presented in a geospatial view in a dashboard. Extract pointsfrom lat/lonProject degreesto metersCreatebuffer area (circle)around pointGet lat/lonfor input locationBetween input locationand locations of planned events in 2023Project degreesto metersCreate buffer areaaround currentinput location pointRename geometryBring all geometries together:lower input will appear on top on the mapRename columnsProvideinput location,i.e. city, state and countryExtract pointsfrom lat/lonNode 1715Node 1716Node 1717Get lat/lonfor event locationNode 1719Node 1720Node 1721Node 1722Currentlyplanned event info in 2023Node 1725Node 1730Create line pathsbetween input locationand all event locationsView the closestevent location to yourcurrent locationNode 1737Node 1738Ascending distancesbetween input locationand even locations Lat/Lon to Geometry Projection Buffer OSM Boundary Map Haversine Distance Projection Buffer Table Manipulator Concatenate Table Manipulator Joiner Current location Lat/Lon to Geometry Filter columns Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End OSM Boundary Map Column Filter Joiner Lat/lon prep fordistance calculation Chunk Loop Start Table Reader Column Filter Loop End Points To Line Geospatialdashboard Match input locationwith each event location Missing eventsinfo to tbd Convert distancesto miles


