

Decision tree Logistic regression Hierarchial clustering K means clustering Descriptive Statistics Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 7Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 49Node 50Node 56Calculate accuracy andconfusion matrixTrain model withSAG and GausspriorUse the model to make predictionsNode 323 CSV Reader Statistics Missing Value Category To Number Normalizer k-Means Partitioning SilhouetteCoefficient Scatter Plot Color Manager Numeric Distances Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) HierarchicalCluster Assigner DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (deprecated) Decision Tree View Partitioning Scorer (deprecated) LogisticRegression Learner Logistic RegressionPredictor Pie Chart(JFreeChart) Decision tree Logistic regression Hierarchial clustering K means clustering Descriptive Statistics Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 7Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 49Node 50Node 56Calculate accuracy andconfusion matrixTrain model withSAG and GausspriorUse the model to make predictionsNode 323 CSV Reader Statistics Missing Value Category To Number Normalizer k-Means Partitioning SilhouetteCoefficient Scatter Plot Color Manager Numeric Distances Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) HierarchicalCluster Assigner DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (deprecated) Decision Tree View Partitioning Scorer (deprecated) LogisticRegression Learner Logistic RegressionPredictor Pie Chart(JFreeChart)


