

Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structure

Create a Big Data table, show the structiure and fields

CREATE TABLE `default`.`test1` ( `ID` STRING, `Var1` STRING)USING parquetCOMMENT 'this is my table'TBLPROPERTIES ('transient_lastDdlTime' = '1681422351','discover.partitions' = 'false','table.housekeeping' = '{"info": "housekeeping by daily partition" , "attribute": "d_date" , "attribute_string_format": "yyyy-MM-dd" }','table.owner' = 'John Doe','parquet.compression' = 'snappy','table.owner_team' = 'Data Analytics','external.table.purge' = 'true') Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structurehttps://forum.knime.com/t/is-it-possible-to-have-a-sql-script-from-a-knime-workflow/19634/4?u=mlauber71 dbms_metadatahttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/18264584/show-create-table-equivalent-in-oracle-sql /big_data//data/=> will clear big_datafolderyou can replace thiswith your big dataconnectionSHOW CREATE TABLE `default`.`data3_new`DESCRIBE EXTENDED `default`.`test1`search for the upload folder on the local big data system../big_data on MacOS and Linux..\big_data on Windows?1st cretae (empty)hive tableload datainto hivetable Table Creator DB Table Remover Metadata forBig Data Create Local BigData Environment DB Query Reader DB Query Reader determineupload path DB Table Creator DB Loader CREATE TABLE `default`.`test1` ( `ID` STRING, `Var1` STRING)USING parquetCOMMENT 'this is my table'TBLPROPERTIES ('transient_lastDdlTime' = '1681422351','discover.partitions' = 'false','table.housekeeping' = '{"info": "housekeeping by daily partition" , "attribute": "d_date" , "attribute_string_format": "yyyy-MM-dd" }','table.owner' = 'John Doe','parquet.compression' = 'snappy','table.owner_team' = 'Data Analytics','external.table.purge' = 'true') Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structurehttps://forum.knime.com/t/is-it-possible-to-have-a-sql-script-from-a-knime-workflow/19634/4?u=mlauber71 dbms_metadatahttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/18264584/show-create-table-equivalent-in-oracle-sql /big_data//data/=> will clear big_datafolderyou can replace thiswith your big dataconnectionSHOW CREATE TABLE `default`.`data3_new`DESCRIBE EXTENDED `default`.`test1`search for the upload folder on the local big data system../big_data on MacOS and Linux..\big_data on Windows?1st cretae (empty)hive tableload datainto hivetableTable Creator DB Table Remover Metadata forBig Data Create Local BigData Environment DB Query Reader DB Query Reader determineupload path DB Table Creator DB Loader


