

prepare historical unemployment data to compare regression models

prepare historical unemployment data to compare regression models

I set up an environment that first transforms UK (un)employment data from 2008-2016 into a table that has the Area (region) as an ID.Then I construct a Test dataset using the data of past 9 years from 2009 to 2017 while 2018 provides the Target. So we have the samestructure in Train and Test.https://forum.knime.com/t/can-knime-be-used-to-show-the-employment-and-unemployment-rate-in-the-uk-from-the-year-2008-2018-showing-the-prediction-for-the-next-year/20252/11?u=mlauber71 TEST: use data from 2009-2017Target from 2018EmpUemp.tablev_start_year2016 for Train data$Year$ <= $${Iv_start_year}$$ => TRUE$Year$ = "2017" => TRUEtarget column and areaTargetv_no_lag_yearjoinTarget andexplaining datatogethertrain_2008_2016.table=> Target from 2017v_start_year2017 for Test dataTRAIN: use data from 2008-2016Target fom 2017$Year$ <= $${Iv_start_year}$$ => TRUE$Year$ = "2018" => TRUEtarget column and areaTargetjoinTarget andexplaining datatogethertest_2009_2017.table=> Target from 2018Area asIDArea asIDtrain.parquettest.parquet Prepare Data Table Reader Integer Widget Rule-basedRow Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Rename Integer Widget Joiner Table Writer Integer Widget Prepare Data Rule-basedRow Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Rename Joiner Table Writer String ToNumber (PMML) RowID RowID Parquet Writer Parquet Writer I set up an environment that first transforms UK (un)employment data from 2008-2016 into a table that has the Area (region) as an ID.Then I construct a Test dataset using the data of past 9 years from 2009 to 2017 while 2018 provides the Target. So we have the samestructure in Train and Test.https://forum.knime.com/t/can-knime-be-used-to-show-the-employment-and-unemployment-rate-in-the-uk-from-the-year-2008-2018-showing-the-prediction-for-the-next-year/20252/11?u=mlauber71 TEST: use data from 2009-2017Target from 2018EmpUemp.tablev_start_year2016 for Train data$Year$ <= $${Iv_start_year}$$ => TRUE$Year$ = "2017" => TRUEtarget column and areaTargetv_no_lag_yearjoinTarget andexplaining datatogethertrain_2008_2016.table=> Target from 2017v_start_year2017 for Test dataTRAIN: use data from 2008-2016Target fom 2017$Year$ <= $${Iv_start_year}$$ => TRUE$Year$ = "2018" => TRUEtarget column and areaTargetjoinTarget andexplaining datatogethertest_2009_2017.table=> Target from 2018Area asIDArea asIDtrain.parquettest.parquetPrepare Data Table Reader Integer Widget Rule-basedRow Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Rename Integer Widget Joiner Table Writer Integer Widget Prepare Data Rule-basedRow Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Column Filter Column Rename Joiner Table Writer String ToNumber (PMML) RowID RowID Parquet Writer Parquet Writer


