

Dose Response Curves with HCS-Tools

The workflow shows how the 'Dose Response' node from the HCS-Tools plugin can be used to calculate dose response models and plot their curves

Dose Response Curves with HCS-ToolsThe workflow shows how the 'Dose Response' node from the HCS-Tools plugin can beused to calculate dose response models and plot their curvesREQUIRES: Installation of HCS-Tools Plugin and R-Scripting Extension (both part of thecommunity contribution) Data:5 compounds in 8 concentrations ( 1 well per concentration)4 ArrayScan measurements available for dose responsecurvesDose Response node:- make sure the node can connect to a running R-server(for instructions see: https://github.com/knime-mpicbg/knime-scripting/wiki/R-server-for-knime)- plots are available via image port or as file if saved viaconfiguration tab 'Output Options'- R-workspace port allows further processing in R with themodels available Dose response data concentrationas sortable stringadd unit output:dose response model parameters (table)dose response curve (image port)R-workspace with models Example Data Number Formatter String Manipulation Dose Response (R) Dose Response Curves with HCS-ToolsThe workflow shows how the 'Dose Response' node from the HCS-Tools plugin can beused to calculate dose response models and plot their curvesREQUIRES: Installation of HCS-Tools Plugin and R-Scripting Extension (both part of thecommunity contribution) Data:5 compounds in 8 concentrations ( 1 well per concentration)4 ArrayScan measurements available for dose responsecurvesDose Response node:- make sure the node can connect to a running R-server(for instructions see: https://github.com/knime-mpicbg/knime-scripting/wiki/R-server-for-knime)- plots are available via image port or as file if saved viaconfiguration tab 'Output Options'- R-workspace port allows further processing in R with themodels available Dose response data concentrationas sortable stringadd unit output:dose response model parameters (table)dose response curve (image port)R-workspace with models Example Data Number Formatter String Manipulation Dose Response (R)


