

Visualizing Twitter Network with a Chord Diagram
Visualizing Twitter Network with a Chord Diagram and aTraditional Network View VisualizationUse a script in JavaScript to createa View with the chord diagramrepresenting the network. Data accessFor more information on how to accessTwitter data check the following workflow onthe Example Server:50_Applications/19_TwitterAnalysis/02_Analyzing_Twitter_Data TransformationCounting retweets among top 20 retweeted users and creatingthe weighted adjacency matrix of the Twitter network. VisualizationUse the Network Viewer node tocreate a more "traditional" networkview with no code. reading tweets datacount retweetsbetween each pairplot chord diagramcreate adjacency matrix weighted on the number of retweets Table Reader Compute how often usersretweet each other GenericJavaScript View Create matrix inputmatrix for chord plot Network Viewer Create Network Visualizing Twitter Network with a Chord Diagram and aTraditional Network View VisualizationUse a script in JavaScript to createa View with the chord diagramrepresenting the network. Data accessFor more information on how to accessTwitter data check the following workflow onthe Example Server:50_Applications/19_TwitterAnalysis/02_Analyzing_Twitter_Data TransformationCounting retweets among top 20 retweeted users and creatingthe weighted adjacency matrix of the Twitter network. VisualizationUse the Network Viewer node tocreate a more "traditional" networkview with no code. reading tweets datacount retweetsbetween each pairplot chord diagramcreate adjacency matrix weighted on the number of retweets Table Reader Compute how often usersretweet each other GenericJavaScript View Create matrix inputmatrix for chord plot Network Viewer Create Network


