

Working with databases with the Python Script (DB) node

This workflow demonstrates the usage of the Python Script (DB) node that allows you to access data from a database directly within your Python script. Using this node you can alter the data within a database row by row without the need to load all the data at once.

Notice, that the red connection ports of the database nodes only contain the SQL statement and connection information but not the data itself. The statement is processed within the database e.g. Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, DB2, SQL Server, Hive, Impala, etc. and the result is read into the KNIME Analytics Platform via the Database Connection Table Reader

Working with databases with the Python Script (DB) node This workflow demonstrates the usage of the Python Script (DB) node that allows you to access datafrom a database directly within your Python script. Using this node you can alter the data within adatabase row by row without the need to load all the data at once.Notice, that the red connection ports of the database nodes only contain the SQL statement andconnection information but not the data itself. The statement is processed within the database e.g.Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, DB2, SQL Server, Hive, Impala, etc. and the result is read into the KNIMEAnalytics Platform via the Database Connection Table Reader node. to be revised This node demonstrates the usage of the different methodsthat you can use to access data within a database.Simply open the configuration dialog via the context menuand click on the Execute script button.Simple way to work withthe result of a database queryusing the dataframe methodsread the resultinto KNIMECreate ExampleTable Python Script(DB) (legacy) Python Script(DB) (legacy) DB Reader Working with databases with the Python Script (DB) node This workflow demonstrates the usage of the Python Script (DB) node that allows you to access datafrom a database directly within your Python script. Using this node you can alter the data within adatabase row by row without the need to load all the data at once.Notice, that the red connection ports of the database nodes only contain the SQL statement andconnection information but not the data itself. The statement is processed within the database e.g.Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, DB2, SQL Server, Hive, Impala, etc. and the result is read into the KNIMEAnalytics Platform via the Database Connection Table Reader node. to be revised This node demonstrates the usage of the different methodsthat you can use to access data within a database.Simply open the configuration dialog via the context menuand click on the Execute script button.Simple way to work withthe result of a database queryusing the dataframe methodsread the resultinto KNIMECreate ExampleTable Python Script(DB) (legacy) Python Script(DB) (legacy) DB Reader


