

Workflow Demonstrating GroupBy Examples
Average age and row count for(sex, income) groups Count Rows Average of all numerical columnsfor (sex, income) groups Workflow demonstrating Groupby examples.For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description Readingadult.csvon full input table count:1. rows with missing values in occupation2. all rows in occupation3. rows with no missing value in occupation4. all rows in another column(notice that this should be the same number as in 2.)count total number of rows and calculate avg agein the 4 groups definedby sex and incomeaverage of all numerical columnsin the 4 groups definedby sex and incomewrite to: knime://knime.workflow/data/resultingTable.csv File Reader GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy CSV Writer Average age and row count for(sex, income) groups Count Rows Average of all numerical columnsfor (sex, income) groups Workflow demonstrating Groupby examples.For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description Readingadult.csvon full input table count:1. rows with missing values in occupation2. all rows in occupation3. rows with no missing value in occupation4. all rows in another column(notice that this should be the same number as in 2.)count total number of rows and calculate avg agein the 4 groups definedby sex and incomeaverage of all numerical columnsin the 4 groups definedby sex and incomewrite to: knime://knime.workflow/data/resultingTable.csv File Reader GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy CSV Writer


