

This directory contains 9 workflows.


Working With Collections - Collection creation and conversion The goal of the workflow is to demonstrate the creation and working with collection cells. […]


Working With Collections - Supported nodes The goal of the workflow is to demonstrate the creation and working with collection cells. It is divided into […]


Working With Collections - Collection Types The goal of the workflow is to demonstrate the creation and working with collection cells. It is divided into […]


This workflow shows how the rank node in combination with a Row Filter node can be used to determine the rows whose ranking column attribute is in the top 5 […]


This workflow shows how to use the rank correlation node to calculate Spearman's rho for the attributes of the Iris dataset.


This workflow shows the many aggregation options that the GroupBy node offers. We start from customer data, group on Gender or more features, and run a few […]


This workflow shows the many aggregation options that the GroupBy node offers. We start from customer data, group on Gender or more features, and run a few […]


Workflow Demonstrating GroupBy Examples Using the adult.csv data set: on each one of the 4 groups defined by sex and income values, calculate the total […]


Create a pivot table with one or more group columns and one or more pivot columns. Apply basic aggregation methods like sum and count, statistical […]