

Data Transfer between Clouds
read files fromSharePoint Online transform the data store data onGoogle Drive Example file system connectors that can be used with the marked nodes above via the dynamic input port readcust-info-sys1specify working diron SharePointreadcust-info-sys2remove duplicate customersmissing(age) = meanConfigure this node with the file name.It writes the resultto file systemin the working dirspecify working diron Google Drive CSV Reader SharePointOnline Connector CSV Reader Rule Engine Concatenate DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Numeric Outliers Correct spellingmistakes CSV Writer Google DriveConnector GoogleAuthentication InitializeData Sets MicrosoftAuthentication Google DriveConnector MicrosoftAuthentication MicrosoftAuthentication AmazonAuthentication HDFS Connector(KNOX) Google Authentication(API Key) Google CloudStorage Connector Azure Blob StorageConnector KNIME ServerConnector SSH Connector HTTP(S) Connector FTP Connector HDFS Connector GoogleAuthentication Create Local BigData Environment Create DatabricksEnvironment Amazon S3 Connector SharePointOnline Connector read files from SharePoint Online transform the data store data onGoogle Drive Example file system connectors that can be used with the marked nodes above via the dynamic input port readcust-info-sys1specify working diron SharePointreadcust-info-sys2remove duplicate customersmissing(age) = meanConfigure this node with the file name.It writes the resultto file systemin the working dirspecify working diron Google Drive CSV Reader SharePointOnline Connector CSV Reader Rule Engine Concatenate DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Numeric Outliers Correct spellingmistakes CSV Writer Google DriveConnector GoogleAuthentication InitializeData Sets MicrosoftAuthentication Google DriveConnector MicrosoftAuthentication MicrosoftAuthentication AmazonAuthentication HDFS Connector(KNOX) Google Authentication(API Key) Google CloudStorage Connector Azure Blob StorageConnector KNIME ServerConnector SSH Connector HTTP(S) Connector FTP Connector HDFS Connector GoogleAuthentication Create Local BigData Environment Create DatabricksEnvironment Amazon S3 Connector SharePointOnline Connector


