

Snowflake meets Tableau
Prepare Data- Clean up order data in Excel File - Read returned orders from JSON structure- Remove returned orders from Excel data Upload joined data to Snowflake- Connect to Snowflake- Upload the dataset directly to a database table- Read the data and filter out the Technology division Send to Tableau This workflow demonstrates how to launch Snowflake in-cloud data warehouse instance and export the data to Tableau.For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description. Round measuresFix incorrect time fieldRemove ID columnsFilter out returned ordersRemove the Returned columnFilter out the Technology divisionWrite to Tableau Hyper fileLoad Excel DataJoin the two data setsSnowflake ConnectorRead data from SnowflakeCreate new tableand drop anypre-existing tableLoad data Round Double String to Date&Time Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup ContainerInput (JSON) Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Tableau Writer Excel Reader Joiner Snowflake Connector DB Reader DB Table Creator DB Loader Prepare Data- Clean up order data in Excel File - Read returned orders from JSON structure- Remove returned orders from Excel data Upload joined data to Snowflake- Connect to Snowflake- Upload the dataset directly to a database table- Read the data and filter out the Technology division Send to Tableau This workflow demonstrates how to launch Snowflake in-cloud data warehouse instance and export the data to Tableau.For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description. Round measuresFix incorrect time fieldRemove ID columnsFilter out returned ordersRemove the Returned columnFilter out the Technology divisionWrite to Tableau Hyper fileLoad Excel DataJoin the two data setsSnowflake ConnectorRead data from SnowflakeCreate new tableand drop anypre-existing tableLoad dataRound Double String to Date&Time Column Filter JSON Path Ungroup ContainerInput (JSON) Row Filter Column Filter Row Filter Tableau Writer Excel Reader Joiner Snowflake Connector DB Reader DB Table Creator DB Loader


