
Archive old records from CSV files

Demo workflow for "archiving" old records contained in CSV files in a folder.

For convenience, this workflow utilises some components for performing data setup. It also uses a convenience component to get the file name from the path "Path to Extracted File Name Parts".

Sample Data setup Sample DataSample DataNode 3Node 4define output folder namesand cutoff datedefine path variablesread workflow data folder(for demo)Loop through the filesRead current fileCurrent records to toparchived to bottomcomponent to pull parts of the file nameout from the file path. We will use this within the loop to write to the different filesdefine current filenamedefine archive filenamereset and then execute this node to see workflow data foldercontaining sample CSV fileswrite to "current"output file names aspath variableswrite to "archive"repeatExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text Extract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text CSV Writer CSV Writer Variable Creator String to Path(Variable) List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start CSV Reader Rule-basedRow Splitter Path to ExtactedFile Name Parts String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Open File or Folder CSV Writer String to Path(Variable) CSV Writer Variable Loop End Sample Data setup Sample DataSample DataNode 3Node 4define output folder namesand cutoff datedefine path variablesread workflow data folder(for demo)Loop through the filesRead current fileCurrent records to toparchived to bottomcomponent to pull parts of the file nameout from the file path. We will use this within the loop to write to the different filesdefine current filenamedefine archive filenamereset and then execute this node to see workflow data foldercontaining sample CSV fileswrite to "current"output file names aspath variableswrite to "archive"repeatExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text Extract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text CSV Writer CSV Writer Variable Creator String to Path(Variable) List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start CSV Reader Rule-basedRow Splitter Path to ExtactedFile Name Parts String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Open File or Folder CSV Writer String to Path(Variable) CSV Writer Variable Loop End


