
Change Row Name and Column Date format

Get column titlesand replace with default namesmake row intocolumn of titlesSample dataconvert string todateand the back againin requied formatremove the row thatisn't indate formatjoin rows back togetherThis is now lookuptable for columnrenamerename the columnsfrom original tableTurn them back intostrings in requiredformatconvert the datestrings in Paid Date columnExtractColumn Header Transpose CSV Reader String to Date&Time Date&Time to String Row Splitter Concatenate Insert ColumnHeader Date&Time to String String to Date&Time Get column titlesand replace with default namesmake row intocolumn of titlesSample dataconvert string todateand the back againin requied formatremove the row thatisn't indate formatjoin rows back togetherThis is now lookuptable for columnrenamerename the columnsfrom original tableTurn them back intostrings in requiredformatconvert the datestrings in Paid Date columnExtractColumn Header Transpose CSV Reader String to Date&Time Date&Time to String Row Splitter Concatenate Insert ColumnHeader Date&Time to String String to Date&Time


