
Find date gaps between start and end dates

Are there any gaps in participation? Which members are in more than 1 Org? Node 1Get unique countof Org per IDFilter out IDsthat have uniqueOrgNode 4Let's make surethe rows aresorted by start dateMake a copy of theprevious end dateCompare startwith previousend dateRemove copyof the previousend dateNode 9 Excel Reader GroupBy Row Filter Group Loop Start Sorter Lag Column Rule Engine Column Filter Loop End Are there any gaps in participation? Which members are in more than 1 Org? Node 1Get unique countof Org per IDFilter out IDsthat have uniqueOrgNode 4Let's make surethe rows aresorted by start dateMake a copy of theprevious end dateCompare startwith previousend dateRemove copyof the previousend dateNode 9 Excel Reader GroupBy Row Filter Group Loop Start Sorter Lag Column Rule Engine Column Filter Loop End


