

SPARQL SELECT Query from different endpoints

The workflow demonstates how to perform a SELECT query on different endpoints.
This can either be a Virtuoso Endpoint, a different SPARQL Endpoint or an In-Memory Endpoint.

The workflow below demonstates how to perform a SELECT query on different endpoints.This can either be a Virtuoso Endpoint, a different SPARQL Endpoint or an In-Memory Endpoint.The workflow in red added by Marisa Murton for Land Registry Land Registry download for a given postcode Virtuoso Endpoint: SPARQL Endpoint: In-Memory Endpoint: query to find allsimpsons blackboardgags (all episodes)Connect tohttp://dbpedia.org/sparqlquery to find allsimpsons blackboardgags (all episodes)Connect tohttp://dbpedia.org/sparqlInsert chalkboard.ttl(to fill endpoint)SELECT *Connect toLand RegistryNode 35 SPARQL Query Virtuoso Endpoint SPARQL Query SPARQL Endpoint Memory Endpoint SPARQL FileInserter SPARQL Query SPARQL Endpoint SPARQL Query The workflow below demonstates how to perform a SELECT query on different endpoints.This can either be a Virtuoso Endpoint, a different SPARQL Endpoint or an In-Memory Endpoint.The workflow in red added by Marisa Murton for Land Registry Land Registry download for a given postcode Virtuoso Endpoint: SPARQL Endpoint: In-Memory Endpoint: query to find allsimpsons blackboardgags (all episodes)Connect tohttp://dbpedia.org/sparqlquery to find allsimpsons blackboardgags (all episodes)Connect tohttp://dbpedia.org/sparqlInsert chalkboard.ttl(to fill endpoint)SELECT *Connect toLand RegistryNode 35 SPARQL Query Virtuoso Endpoint SPARQL Query SPARQL Endpoint Memory Endpoint SPARQL FileInserter SPARQL Query SPARQL Endpoint SPARQL Query


