

Query daily exchange rates

Obtain Historical Daily Exchange Rates

This workflow uses the priceR package to query the exchange rates, based on 3 atributes:

1. The date in YYYY-MM-DD format
2. The currency rate code FROM
3. The currency rate code TO

Obtain Historical Daily Exchange RatesThis workflow uses the priceR package to query the exchange rates, based on 3 atributes: 1. The date in YYYY-MM-DD format2. The currency rate code FROM3. The currency rate code TO library(priceR)Node 2Input DataNode 5Node 6Node 7Always creates same headersColumn NamesInsert new column headersNode 159 R Source (Table) String to Date&Time Table Creator Loop End(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation ExtractColumn Header Table Creator Insert ColumnHeader Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) Obtain Historical Daily Exchange RatesThis workflow uses the priceR package to query the exchange rates, based on 3 atributes: 1. The date in YYYY-MM-DD format2. The currency rate code FROM3. The currency rate code TO library(priceR)Node 2Input DataNode 5Node 6Node 7Always creates same headersColumn NamesInsert new column headersNode 159R Source (Table) String to Date&Time Table Creator Loop End(deprecated) String Manipulation String Manipulation ExtractColumn Header Table Creator Insert ColumnHeader Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated)


