
forum - Get next reporting date date after a given date

Get date based on weekday

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Quick access toSample Data.xlsxSample Data.xlsxDay of week of First Reporting DayDay of week of Flight End DayCalc Days to next reporting dayAssumes that if reportingdate is the same as end date,then reporting date will be following weekHow many weeks aretherebetween reportingdates?(Weekly=1Bi-Weekly = 2)(report_period)diff in weeks between datesFinal Reporting DateTidy upCalc Days to next reporting dayAssumes that if reportingdate is the same as end date,then reporting date will be same as the end dateFinal Reporting DateTidy upCheck Day of week of Final Reporting DateCheck Day of week of Final Reporting DateOpen File or Folder Excel Reader Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields Math Formula Rule Engine Date&TimeDifference Column Rename Date&Time Shift Column Filter Math Formula Date&Time Shift Column Filter Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields Quick access toSample Data.xlsxSample Data.xlsxDay of week of First Reporting DayDay of week of Flight End DayCalc Days to next reporting dayAssumes that if reportingdate is the same as end date,then reporting date will be following weekHow many weeks aretherebetween reportingdates?(Weekly=1Bi-Weekly = 2)(report_period)diff in weeks between datesFinal Reporting DateTidy upCalc Days to next reporting dayAssumes that if reportingdate is the same as end date,then reporting date will be same as the end dateFinal Reporting DateTidy upCheck Day of week of Final Reporting DateCheck Day of week of Final Reporting DateOpen File or Folder Excel Reader Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields Math Formula Rule Engine Date&TimeDifference Column Rename Date&Time Shift Column Filter Math Formula Date&Time Shift Column Filter Extract Date&TimeFields Extract Date&TimeFields


