
20210927 Pikairos Search unknown word in different columns

2021 Pikairos Search unknown word in different columns

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Your DataAggregateColumnsCreate Bit VectorFrom Aggregated ColumnsExpand Bit VectorThe result here is without Counts!ConcatenateColour columnsper row with CountSplit concatenantedcolumn andcreate a listwith itUngroupthe listRemove uselesscharacters andconvert countinto integerSplit every colourfrom its countand generate2 new columnsFilter uselesscolumnsUnpivotColours with Countsso that you getone column per colourwith its counts on rowCreate a RowIDcolumn forlater useby PivotingConvert Colour CountMissing Valuesinto 0Join with originalTable basedon RowIDTable Creator Column Aggregator Create Bit Vector Expand Bit Vector Column Aggregator Cell Splitter Ungroup String Manipulation Cell Splitter Column Filter Pivoting RowID Missing Value Joiner Your DataAggregateColumnsCreate Bit VectorFrom Aggregated ColumnsExpand Bit VectorThe result here is without Counts!ConcatenateColour columnsper row with CountSplit concatenantedcolumn andcreate a listwith itUngroupthe listRemove uselesscharacters andconvert countinto integerSplit every colourfrom its countand generate2 new columnsFilter uselesscolumnsUnpivotColours with Countsso that you getone column per colourwith its counts on rowCreate a RowIDcolumn forlater useby PivotingConvert Colour CountMissing Valuesinto 0Join with originalTable basedon RowIDTable Creator Column Aggregator Create Bit Vector Expand Bit Vector Column Aggregator Cell Splitter Ungroup String Manipulation Cell Splitter Column Filter Pivoting RowID Missing Value Joiner


