

Set list pair of dimensions Compute metric for the current pair of dimensions Plot matrix of number of patients/trajectories for each pair of dimensions Get list of pair of dimensions Plot and save matrix results and csv file with best parameters for each pair Compute number of patients/trajectories available for each pair of dimension Convert to matrix Get database login details Check if we form groups from a trajectorydimension (numerical) or a nominalvariable (categorical) Form groups on first dimension Load useful python notebooks Set list of possibles categorical variables Set source to study and type of trajectoryvalue Form groups on second dimension Select demo, stat and appointment dataConnect to Postgre ALS databaseRemove repeted columnsConnection parameters to flow variablesUsername and password as credentialSet y axis typeRead login detailsSet secondfeatures listSet first feature listRename to feature_2Rename to feature_1Filter on current feature_1Filter on current feature_2Join predicted labels from both dimensionsCreate similarity matrix and apply UMAP on itApply clustering on UMAP dimensionsPredict labels with empirical approachRemove "-1" predicted labelsSet source to studySelect source to studySet metric to maximizeCompute metricGet best paramsConvert metric to flow variableSelect approachPredict labels with quantile approachNode 1265Predict labels with quantile approachNode 1270Select approachRemove "-1" predicted labelsPredict labels with empirical approachAdd feature columnsEnd first loopPlot metric matrixConnect to Postgre ALS databaseRemove repeted columnsSelect demo, stat and meeting dataSelect source to studyFilter on current feature_1Filter on current feature_2Join by IDget number of patientsEnd first loopNode 1298Split by \nRename to feature_1Rename to feature_2Split by \nNode 1304Plot number of patients matrixSet nominal variable listGroup into listTo flow variableBoolean result to fvEncode label column values to integersBoolean result to fvRemove duplicated IDCheck if dimension isNumerical : 0Categorical : 1Check if dimension isNumerical : 0Categorical : 1Rename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsRename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsEncode label column values to integersRemove duplicated IDSelect if we disc nominal variable or trajectory dimensionSelect if we disc nominal variable or trajectory dimensionCheck if second dimension is a nominal variableBoolean result to fvBoolean result to fvCheck if first dimension is a nominal variableNode 1349Rename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsRemove duplicated IDRemove duplicated IDRename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsNode 1354Join nb patients and metric resultsConvert to nb patients matrixConvert to metric matrixNode 1364End second loopRename obj value to METRICBegin parameter optimizationGet umap tools NotebookGet label tools NotebookGet plot tools NotebookRead parametersprofiling_CHU_best_parameters_per_dimensions_coupleSort by best metric, and number of patientsNode 1381Create similarity matrix and apply UMAP on itApply clustering on UMAP dimensionsNode 1385Check if first dimension is a nominal variableSet mountpoint connectorSet first feature listSet mountpoint connectorCheck if second dimension is a nominal variableString Manipulation(Variable) DB Query Reader PostgreSQLConnector Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Variable toCredentials Merge Variables StringConfiguration Extract ContextProperties Merge Variables CSV Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Row ToVariable Loop Start List BoxConfiguration List BoxConfiguration Column Rename Column Rename Row Filter Row Filter Joiner Python Script Python Script Python Script Row Filter StringConfiguration Row Filter StringConfiguration Python Script ParameterOptimization Loop End Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start Python Script CASE Switch End String Manipulation(Variable) Python Script CASE Switch End CASE Switch Start Row Filter Python Script Python Script Loop End Python View PostgreSQLConnector Column Filter DB Query Reader Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Joiner Python Script Loop End Variable toTable Row Cell Splitter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Rename Column Rename Cell Splitter Variable toTable Row Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Ungroup Ungroup Python View Double To Int List BoxConfiguration GroupBy Column Rename Table Rowto Variable Table Rowto Variable Category To Number Table Rowto Variable DuplicateRow Filter IF Switch IF Switch Python Script Python Script Category To Number DuplicateRow Filter IF Switch IF Switch Python Script Table Rowto Variable Table Rowto Variable Python Script End IF Python Script DuplicateRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Python Script End IF Image Writer (Port) Image Writer (Port) Joiner Python Script Python Script Loop End Loop End Column Rename Parameter OptimizationLoop Start (Table) Extract ContextProperties Local File BrowserConfiguration Local File BrowserConfiguration Local File BrowserConfiguration String Manipulation(Variable) Extract ContextProperties CSV Reader CSV Writer Sorter Column Resorter Python Script Python Script Merge Variables Python Script MountpointConnector List BoxConfiguration MountpointConnector Python Script Set list pair of dimensions Compute metric for the current pair of dimensions Plot matrix of number of patients/trajectories for each pair of dimensions Get list of pair of dimensions Plot and save matrix results and csv file with best parameters for each pair Compute number of patients/trajectories available for each pair of dimension Convert to matrix Get database login details Check if we form groups from a trajectorydimension (numerical) or a nominalvariable (categorical) Form groups on first dimension Load useful python notebooks Set list of possibles categorical variables Set source to study and type of trajectoryvalue Form groups on second dimension Select demo, stat and appointment dataConnect to Postgre ALS databaseRemove repeted columnsConnection parameters to flow variablesUsername and password as credentialSet y axis typeRead login detailsSet secondfeatures listSet first feature listRename to feature_2Rename to feature_1Filter on current feature_1Filter on current feature_2Join predicted labels from both dimensionsCreate similarity matrix and apply UMAP on itApply clustering on UMAP dimensionsPredict labels with empirical approachRemove "-1" predicted labelsSet source to studySelect source to studySet metric to maximizeCompute metricGet best paramsConvert metric to flow variableSelect approachPredict labels with quantile approachNode 1265Predict labels with quantile approachNode 1270Select approachRemove "-1" predicted labelsPredict labels with empirical approachAdd feature columnsEnd first loopPlot metric matrixConnect to Postgre ALS databaseRemove repeted columnsSelect demo, stat and meeting dataSelect source to studyFilter on current feature_1Filter on current feature_2Join by IDget number of patientsEnd first loopNode 1298Split by \nRename to feature_1Rename to feature_2Split by \nNode 1304Plot number of patients matrixSet nominal variable listGroup into listTo flow variableBoolean result to fvEncode label column values to integersBoolean result to fvRemove duplicated IDCheck if dimension isNumerical : 0Categorical : 1Check if dimension isNumerical : 0Categorical : 1Rename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsRename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsEncode label column values to integersRemove duplicated IDSelect if we disc nominal variable or trajectory dimensionSelect if we disc nominal variable or trajectory dimensionCheck if second dimension is a nominal variableBoolean result to fvBoolean result to fvCheck if first dimension is a nominal variableNode 1349Rename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsRemove duplicated IDRemove duplicated IDRename nominal var to LABEL and remove empty labelsNode 1354Join nb patients and metric resultsConvert to nb patients matrixConvert to metric matrixNode 1364End second loopRename obj value to METRICBegin parameter optimizationGet umap tools NotebookGet label tools NotebookGet plot tools NotebookRead parametersprofiling_CHU_best_parameters_per_dimensions_coupleSort by best metric, and number of patientsNode 1381Create similarity matrix and apply UMAP on itApply clustering on UMAP dimensionsNode 1385Check if first dimension is a nominal variableSet mountpoint connectorSet first feature listSet mountpoint connectorCheck if second dimension is a nominal variableString Manipulation(Variable) DB Query Reader PostgreSQLConnector Column Filter Table Rowto Variable Variable toCredentials Merge Variables StringConfiguration Extract ContextProperties Merge Variables CSV Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Row ToVariable Loop Start List BoxConfiguration List BoxConfiguration Column Rename Column Rename Row Filter Row Filter Joiner Python Script Python Script Python Script Row Filter StringConfiguration Row Filter StringConfiguration Python Script ParameterOptimization Loop End Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start Python Script CASE Switch End String Manipulation(Variable) Python Script CASE Switch End CASE Switch Start Row Filter Python Script Python Script Loop End Python View PostgreSQLConnector Column Filter DB Query Reader Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Joiner Python Script Loop End Variable toTable Row Cell Splitter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Rename Column Rename Cell Splitter Variable toTable Row Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Ungroup Ungroup Python View Double To Int List BoxConfiguration GroupBy Column Rename Table Rowto Variable Table Rowto Variable Category To Number Table Rowto Variable DuplicateRow Filter IF Switch IF Switch Python Script Python Script Category To Number DuplicateRow Filter IF Switch IF Switch Python Script Table Rowto Variable Table Rowto Variable Python Script End IF Python Script DuplicateRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Python Script End IF Image Writer (Port) Image Writer (Port) Joiner Python Script Python Script Loop End Loop End Column Rename Parameter OptimizationLoop Start (Table) Extract ContextProperties Local File BrowserConfiguration Local File BrowserConfiguration Local File BrowserConfiguration String Manipulation(Variable) Extract ContextProperties CSV Reader CSV Writer Sorter Column Resorter Python Script Python Script Merge Variables Python Script MountpointConnector List BoxConfiguration MountpointConnector Python Script


