
Convert and modify dates and times

Sample DataConvert TimeConvert DateMake timeinto a string again that canbe used by row splitterin comparisontimes BEFORE063000 go totop porttimes between 0630 and 1430become 0630Update date to previous daybring rows back togetherTime put backto being a time columnExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time String to Date&Time Date&Time to String Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule Engine Date&Time Shift Concatenate String to Date&Time Sample DataConvert TimeConvert DateMake timeinto a string again that canbe used by row splitterin comparisontimes BEFORE063000 go totop porttimes between 0630 and 1430become 0630Update date to previous daybring rows back togetherTime put backto being a time columnExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time String to Date&Time Date&Time to String Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule Engine Date&Time Shift Concatenate String to Date&Time


