
20210916 Pikairos Converting and Extracting protein names out of pathways description

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Transformto documentExtracttagged ProteinsKeep only theProtein columnProtein pathwaysCreate a Dictionaryof Protein Names made ofall FULL UPPERCASE wordsfound in the Pathway descriptionsTag Protein IDsin each docConvert tagsback to stringsMerge addresseswith countyCreate a setof Protein namesper documentList ofProtein IDsStrings To Document(deprecated) Tag Filter Column Filter Table Creator Extracted ProteinDictionary Dictionary Tagger Document DataExtractor Column Appender Cell Splitter Column Rename Transformto documentExtracttagged ProteinsKeep only theProtein columnProtein pathwaysCreate a Dictionaryof Protein Names made ofall FULL UPPERCASE wordsfound in the Pathway descriptionsTag Protein IDsin each docConvert tagsback to stringsMerge addresseswith countyCreate a setof Protein namesper documentList ofProtein IDsStrings To Document(deprecated) Tag Filter Column Filter Table Creator Extracted ProteinDictionary Dictionary Tagger Document DataExtractor Column Appender Cell Splitter Column Rename


