

We know that a basic sushi recipe includes the ingredients:Let's check if these ingredients exist in our data:ricesoy saucewasabisome fish / vegetables Loading datachecking ingredientsRename column of country by cusineLowercase in cusinedistinct values of cusinesNode 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Remove cooking with> 50 recipes.Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 21Node 23check replace columnset currentColumnName for replace namein flow variables tabremove duplicate columns File Reader Column Filter Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Rule Engine GroupBy Column Rename Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Unpivoting Row Filter GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Expressions Column Filter We know that a basic sushi recipe includes the ingredients:Let's check if these ingredients exist in our data:ricesoy saucewasabisome fish / vegetables Loading datachecking ingredientsRename column of country by cusineLowercase in cusinedistinct values of cusinesNode 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Remove cooking with> 50 recipes.Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 21Node 23check replace columnset currentColumnName for replace namein flow variables tabremove duplicate columns File Reader Column Filter Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Rule Engine GroupBy Column Rename Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Unpivoting Row Filter GroupBy Column ListLoop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Expressions Column Filter


