
Find previous working day from work calendar

Sample Date2021-02-07(this would in reality be your "current date" but for testing, I'm returning a specific date)Subtract 1from given datePrevious Daycomparable stringas variable to be used as upper bound in row filterThis is your work calendarFilter work calendarwith max bound beingthe calc'd previous dayPrev dayas a comparable stringin yyyyMMddformatWork_Datesas a comparable stringString in yyyyMMddformatGet the max datefrom the filtered calendarThis is the date you are looking for;-)Create Date&TimeRange Date&Time Shift Table Rowto Variable Table Creator Row Filter Date&Time to String Date&Time to String GroupBy Sample Date2021-02-07(this would in reality be your "current date" but for testing, I'm returning a specific date)Subtract 1from given datePrevious Daycomparable stringas variable to be used as upper bound in row filterThis is your work calendarFilter work calendarwith max bound beingthe calc'd previous dayPrev dayas a comparable stringin yyyyMMddformatWork_Datesas a comparable stringString in yyyyMMddformatGet the max datefrom the filtered calendarThis is the date you are looking for;-)Create Date&TimeRange Date&Time Shift Table Rowto Variable Table Creator Row Filter Date&Time to String Date&Time to String GroupBy


